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Presenting Sponsor


Hope Sponsors

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Faries     

Mrs. John A. Manfuso

Dream Sponsors

Ms. Michelle Dolansky
Rebecca & Daniel Farrington
Lisa & Cass Panciocco
The Rapaport Family

Wish Sponsors

Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Robin Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. John & Lori Niehoff

Mr. & Mrs. Thorn & Sharis Pozen

Mr. & Mrs. William & Donna Roberts

Promise Sponsors

Arnold & Porter
BNY Wealth Management
Rich & Lynne Lucas
Ms. Karrie McMillan
Miller & Long
Teknion Data Solutions
United Healthcare

Wine Sponsor

BidPal Sponsor

Entertainment Sponsor

Glossy Media Sponsor

Auction Check Out Sponsor

Cocktail Hour Sponsor

Guest Check In Sponsor

Party Favor Sponsor

Volunteer & Youth Ambassador Sponsor

Christopher & Kathleen Matthews

Youth Ambassador Art Project Sponsor

Valet Sponsor