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Events are in categories (Team Events, Individual Events, and Wait Lists) and then arranged by start times.
Spectator-Only tickets are also available at the bottom of the page.
Full name and email address for each participant is required to complete registration.
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8:00AM - Bender Arena Only one team per company may participate in this event. Team must be comprised of three participants. One designated alternate (see below) may be added for an additional $40 fee.
8:30AM - Upper Field Only one team per company may participate in this event. A maximum of 48 teams may participate. Teams must be comprised of two participants.
10:00AM - Upper Concourse, Bender Arena Only one team per company may participate in this event. A maximum of 25 teams may participate. Teams must be comprised of five participants and at least one participant must be a woman. Each participant may spin only once. This event is for skilled spinners only.
10:00AM - 12:00PM - Upper Field Only two teams per company may participate in this event. Teams must be comprised of two men and two women. Teams may compete in this event one time between 10:00AM and 12:00PM.
10:00AM - Pool Only one team per company may participate in this event. Teams must be comprised of two men and two women. Teams must arrive 5 minutes before the posted start time or they will be disqualified.
10:30AM - Pool Only one team per company may participate in this event. Teams must be comprised of two men and two women. Teams must arrive within five minutes of the posted starting time or they will be disqualified.
12:00PM - Outdoor Tennis Courts Teams must be comprised of two women. Participants must provide their own racquets.
1:00PM - Track Only one team per company may participate in this event. Teams must be comprised of one man and one woman. Teams will be disqualified if they use their hands.
1:00PM - Track Only one team per company may participate in this event. Teams must be comprised of one man and one woman.
1:00PM - Bender Arena Only one team per company may participate in this event. A maximum of 32 teams may participate. Teams must be comprised of six participants and at least two participants must be women (on the court at all times). One designated alternate (see below) may be added for an additional $40 fee.
1:00PM - Upper Field Only one team per company may participate in this event. A maximum of 36 teams can participate. Teams must be comprised of four participants and at least two participants must be women.
1:00PM - Upper Field Only one team per company may participate in this event. Teams must be comprised of one man and one woman.
1:00PM - Upper Concourse, Bender Arena Teams must be comprised of four participants.
1:30PM - Outdoor Tennis Courts Teams must be comprised of one man and one woman. Participants must provide their own racquets.
2:00PM - Track Only one team per company may participate. Teams must be comprised of two men and two women.
3:00 - Bender Arena Only one team per company may participate in this event. A maximum of 40 teams may participate. Teams must be comprised of six participants and at least two participants must be women.
8:00AM - Track Participants must be at the track 10 minutes before the race or they will be disqualified.
8:00AM - Outdoor Tennis Courts Participants must provide their own racquets. A maximum of of 32 individuals may participants.
8:00AM-10:00AM - Upper Field Participants may compete tin this event one time between 8:00AM and 10:00AM. While a limited number of clubs will be available for use, participants are encouraged to bring their own clubs.